
Hey everyone, in conjunction with the Boston Sports Company, I’m selling really cool T shirts that help support The One Fund Boston.

There are four different designs – The first featuring their “The Town” artwork in which 30% of proceeds go directly to The One Fund, and three other “Boston Strong” designs – one with Bruins colors, one with Celtics colors, and one with Red Sox/ Patriots colors – in which $5 from every shirt goes directly to The One Fund.

You can buy any of the shirts by clicking on the pictures below. A few important notes:

1. The link will take you to a PayPal page. If you don’t have PayPal, you can use the link below it to pay with a credit or debit card.

2. Due to my lack of computer wizardry, there’s no drop down menu to select a size. When you order the shirt, after you enter your credit card and shipping information, there will be an option on the “Review and Pay” screen to type in your shirt size – right underneath your shipping information. PLEASE don’t forget to do this and make my life easier : )

3. Contact me with any questions regarding orders at bradleyp@merrimack.edu

“The Town

FINAL Fundraiser shirt and buy now button

“Bruins Boston Strong”

Bruins Boston Strong

“Celtics Boston Strong”

Celtics Boston Strong

“Red Sox/Patriots Boston Strong”

For Red Sox and Patriots fans

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